Some of Donald Trump‘s more out-there policies––the Muslim ban and loosening the libel laws, among them––have kicked off debates about whether Trump is bringing about a rise of fascism in the United States.
And then recently, the possible Libertarian VP candidate Bill Weld likened Trump’s immigration policy to Kristallnacht.
The New York Times has an in-depth examination out today about the big global Trump fascism debate.
After all, people have drawn parallels between the rise of Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler.
But perhaps the most amazing part of this entire piece is how Trump chose to respond to these attacks (including the Kristallnacht comment from Weld):
Mr. Trump dismisses the labels used by those like Mr. Weld… “I don’t talk about his alcoholism,” Mr. Trump said through a spokeswoman, “so why would he talk about my foolishly perceived fascism? There is nobody less of a fascist than Donald Trump.” (Mr. Weld, who in the 1990s reportedly appeared in public a few times having had too much to drink, declined to respond: “I’ll let that ride.”)
NOBODY is less fascist than Trump. Period.
[image via screengrab]
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