Bill Maher repeatedly invoked fascism and the rise of Adolf Hitler in a fiery segment with his guests on tonight’s Real Time.
He repeated his warning from his monologue that there’s a “right-wing coup” coming to America, while Jennifer Granholm warned of an “authoritarian nightmare.”
Maher warned that the difference between America’s system and fascism is respect for the rule of law, which he believes could change if Trump wins.
Conservative anti-Trumper David Frum pushed back a little on the idea that there’s a coup going on or that unfounded conspiracy is only a problem of the right.
Maher shot back that Trump can get away with anything because of his cult of personality and asked people to imagine individuals like Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani running institutions like the DOJ or the FBI.
“Fascists,” he said, “decide that you’re a criminal, then they find the crime. This is what they’ve done with Hillary Clinton.”
Maher kept going on and on warning people before making a sincere plea at the end, telling people, “Once fascists give power, they don’t give it up.”
He even admitted that liberals “cried wolf” about Mitt Romney and John McCain, said that was wrong, and insisted that this time the threat is real.
Watch above, via HBO.
[image via screengrab]
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